LWP February: Muffin Madness

Join in the Muffin Madness! Prepare breakfast bags at home and drop them off on Tuesday, February 21st, 2023, at Chizuk Amuno Congregation during one of our convenient collection times. Breakfast bags will be donated to Beans & Bread, Charm City Care Connection, Alexander & Alexander and Associates, inc., and other nonprofit organizations.

Each breakfast bag should include:

  • Muffin: Can be homemade or store bought.
  • Shelf stable drink: Milk, juice, water.
  • Fruit: Piece of fruit or fruit cup & spoon
  • Snack: Granola bar, Pop Tart, trail mix, etc.

Breakfast bags should be labeled with their contents, noting any common allergens. Please note whether the bag needs refrigeration.

To get started, sign up below

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